Day Six | Saturday



Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.

Ephesians 4:29 (NLT)


Growing up, I heard the phrase, Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. It’s a catchy phrase, but it’s terrible wisdom. The truth is that words do hurt. The book of James says that words can kill (James 3:8).


Words have ended marriages. Words have started wars. Words have caused addictions. Words have created unbearable pains. Proverbs 18:21 (NLT) says, The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences. There’s no such thing as neutral words. Each day your words will create death or life. You’ll draw others closer to Christ or drive them further away.


The tongue, on average, is about 3-4 inches long. It’s incredible that something that small can be that difficult to tame. As a spark can lead to a forest fire, our words can tremendously impact people for good or evil. We’re called to use our words to build others up and encourage them. In the verse above, Paul tells us that as followers of Jesus, our words should be different. It’s easy to think God only cares about the big things in life. However, Paul wants us to know that our words matter to God.


Our words matter to our witness. Paul says we should be different, which means we don’t use foul language or laugh at coarse jokes, and we monitor the lyrics and TV shows we consume. We don’t judge the world, but we don’t participate in everything either. Words are such a big deal because words reflect our hearts. Jesus said in Luke 6:45b (NLT),… What you say flows from what is in your heart.”


We can’t say words are insignificant because they reflect a more significant thing—our heart. Words reveal if our hearts are close to Christ or far away. The Spirit of God will prompt and convict us to use our words to bring healing and life. Everyone around you today is carrying wounds or blessings from the words they’ve heard. Your words can bring healing or deeper life if you give God complete control of your tongue. Someone’s future can be different if you follow the Spirit’s guidance and use your words to encourage. What a gift in a culture of constant criticism to be a voice of encouragement and hope!


APPLICATION: Your words will bring death or life today, so be intentional in speaking life into others.


PRAYER: Ask God if you’re holding onto anyone’s negative words. Ask God for His help to release those. Ask Him how He sees you. In the same way, ask God to reveal where someone has spoken a blessing over you. Thank Him for that gift.