How Sunday Works

First Time Family

If your child birth–grade 5 is ready to experience church in an age-appropriate, secure environment, expedite your check-in process by clicking the link below. When you arrive on Sunday park in the west parking lot and enter up the big blue ramp. Students in grades 6–12 meet at South Campus. See below for room locations.

Nursing Mothers

This comfortable, private room is available to all nursing moms who need to take care of their babies. Located just outside the North Tunnel entrance doors to the Auditorium, this enclosed room has comfortable chairs, changing tables, and a TV to enjoy the service.

Parent Room

Located in the children's wing on the first floor inside the entrance to Pod A, the Parent Room is an inviting space for parents to stay with their kids who might not be quite ready to be in a Sunday morning room. The Parent Room has comfortable seating, toys and a TV to enjoy the service.

Special Needs Children

Located in the Children's wing, services for people with special needs are offered Sundays at 9 and 11 am. Dedicated volunteers give special friends the attention and care they deserve, so care givers can attend service.


What if I'm needed during the service?

If you're needed for any reason during the service, we'll page you using the last four digits of the phone number you provided. Displays are in the Concourse and inside the Auditorium.

How do I pick up my child?

After Service bring the security tag you received at check-in to your child's location. A volunteer will return your child to you.

Sunday NextGen Service Locations




Special Needs

Upstairs in Pod D

9 and 11 am


Downstairs in Pods A & B

9 and 11 am

Grades 1–5

Upstairs in Pod C

9 and 11 am

Middle School

South Campus

9 and 11 am

High School

South Campus

9 and 11 am